
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

It's time...

Hello, my friends-

I started this business 7 years ago after selling the retail store I ran with my family. I have always loved rubber stamps and the paper craft industry. Paper Wings was a great way for me to stay in the industry while also working from home so that I could care for my two small children. Those children aren't so small anymore. Once they became school aged, I decided to go back to school and finish a degree I started so long ago. After finishing my bachelor's degree, I was interested in teaching art- something I had grown to love. I knew I didn't want to be a classroom art teacher and began exploring options. I discovered art museum education and fell in love. Last summer I took a full-time job in art museum education, I was halfway through graduate school. Last month I finished my master's degree in art education. Paper Wings has been floating along in the background despite the declining time and effort I was able to put into it. Now that I am regaining the ability to think beyond my thesis, I see that my path continues to move away from Paper Wings. It is time for me to officially be done with Paper Wings and move on to the next chapter in my life.

I think about all of the amazing people I have met through this business- design teams, customers, friends, and especially those of you who I met in person at stamp shows and workshops. I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I thank you for supporting this business and letting this mama have a dream job while raising babies. I still love teaching workshops and will continue to look for avenues to share my passion for creating art.

Everything at Paper Wings will start off at 25% off, this includes items already on sale. I will update inventory levels as often as possible. If you purchase something that is out of stock, I will refund your payment. The discount will continue to grow as the inventory dwindles. I do not have an official close date yet, but I hope to be done in the next few months.

Use coupon code GOING for 25% off your total purchase when you check out.

Here's a direct link to start shopping.

Please email or comment if you have any questions.
