
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Guest Designer Announcement

As you may know, we recently had a call for guest artists.  We had so many wonderful applicants, it was so hard to choose just a few.  You all amaze me with your boundless creativity and willingness to share your ideas and techniques with others!  I wish I could choose them all, but there will always be a next time.  Here is a list of the artist who will be joining us here at The Aviary over the next several months.  We really look forward to seeing what they create with our products!

Stephanie Eaken
Jill Doyle
Emanuela Zoey
Kristie Larsen
Carmen Whitehead
Ashley Hamm
Marie Johansson
Kathleen White
Amanda Jayne Baldwin
Monica Edwards
Agnieszka Bellaidea

 We will be learning more about these lovely ladies soon, but for now I hope you will help me congratulate them on making the team.  


  1. Congrats! I cannot wait to see your creations!

  2. Congrats everyone!!! Looking forward to seeing what you create with PWP products!!

  3. SOOOO exciting! What an honor for your winners. Its going to be fun! Cant wait...Laura

  4. Thank you so much for the opportunity! Really looking forward to creating with you.

  5. Thankyou so very much and congratulations to all of you! Gong to have so much fun creating amongst you all :) Happy Days!!!

  6. Congrats ladies! Can't wait to see your creations!

  7. Yay congrats to the rest of the team!!! So excited to be working with you all!!!

  8. Im very excited too! Can't wait to "meet" everyone. Congrats all!!


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