
Monday, March 26, 2012

Thank You!

Good Monday peeps,

First, thank you so very much to everyone who came to the launch party Saturday.  It was a pleasure to not only visit with everyone, but to see the marvelous cards and tags that were made.  I know it was an incredibly gratifying experience to see the paper wings productions stamps in action and being used in completely new and exciting ways. 

I wanted to let you know that we are starting up a flickr group so that you can share anything you make using paper wings productions stamps there.  Having seen what everyone created while at my table, I know everyone will want to see them too...I was thrilled with the art made.  When we begin our challenges (which will be coming up soon, so look forward to more details then) you can upload your entries to our flickr group here:  If you have any issues with flickr, please let me know.  Or if you prefer not to post to flickr, you can email us pictures of your projects or links to your blog or an online gallery.

Many thanks to you for all your inspire us with your kindness, grace and creativity.

Take flight,

Bird Seed: Jane Smith has the super sweet tag she created up on her blog--

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