
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Feature Friday- Day of the Dead

Happy All Souls Day!

Here are some Day of the Dead tags I made with our stamps...

 I made this tag with the very versatile Build A Shrine set.  I have had the idea to make this set for a while.  I'm so excited to be able to use it!  This tag also uses the Circle Frame and the skeleton couple can be found on the Skeleton Melange set and the Skeletons sets.

These tags I made with the Dia De Los Muertos Mujer along with the Build A Shrine set and Banner Day set.  These two were stamped with black ink on kraft colored tags and colored with colored pencils.  I love using colored pencils on colored cardstock.  The colors appear so vibrant!  Don't forget about the white pencil, perhaps my favorite.  You can blend and make high lights with it as well as being a must have for skeletons!  

Do you celebrate The Day of the Dead?  Here in San Antonio it is common for people to make shrines for their loved ones who have passed.  Want to know more about the holiday?  Here's an article I wrote for Somerset Studio magazine way back in 2003.  

While images of skeletons and talk of death conjure up uneasy feelings in many of us, the holiday Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead, is actually all about the celebration of life.  At the end of October, preparations begin to remember those who have passed before us.  These are not sad times, but an occasion for remembering and rejoicing.  The holiday is intended to help us accept death, mocking its certainty as opposed to dwelling on death as solely a tragic end.

In the days leading up to the celebration, graves are cleaned and cared for while flowers- especially marigolds- are gathered from the market or gardens.  Special foods are prepared.  All of the work is done to commemorate All Saint's Day, November 1, a celebration for children and All Soul's Day, November 2, meant for adults.

Traditionally, celebrants arrange an ofrenda (offering/shrine) in the home to honor and respect the family member who has passed.  Objects from the individual's life and their interests make up the ofrenda.  These items may include glasses, jewelry, favorite foods and beverages, or perhaps a hat they may have worn.  Pictures of the family member or images that represent them are added if possible.  Marigold petals are often used to make a pathway between the front door and the ofrenda.  The petals are said to lead the souls back home.

All of these preparations and offerings are done out of respect and affection.  Dia de los Muertos is about respect for our ancestors who have, in one way or another, shaped who we are today.

Here's my family shrine my sisters and I made.  It features image transfers done on metal discs and canvas, hand made and traditional milagros, a stamped canvas piece, personal items from family members, newspaper articles, and lots of other favorite pieces.

I hope you enjoyed our post today!

Enjoy the flight,


  1. Oh Carrie, I loved your post today! The shrine you and your sister made is beautiful. I wasn't familiar with all of the Dia De Los Muertos customs until I found your stamps. They really inspired me to learn about the holiday. I began researching to find out everything I could and have really enjoyed making Day of the Dead projects. Thank you so much for making these wonderful stamps!!! Have a great weekend :D


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